Post by tuberjustin on May 21, 2009 17:43:21 GMT -5
I'm not gonna lie, these filters are getting annoying. That last one was admittedly funny, though. Funny and true... im also a dumb shit who can't figure out how this is being done
Post by Calefrun on May 21, 2009 18:33:10 GMT -5
I actually have no idea how that's being done either. explanation plz, DERRICK?
Post by Razgat on May 21, 2009 18:34:29 GMT -5
Modifications, probably.
Post by Calefrun on May 21, 2009 18:39:23 GMT -5
no, it would say "Last edit:"
Post by Myrdraxxis on May 21, 2009 18:49:04 GMT -5
*facepalm* am I the only one who sees how blantantly obvious it is?
Post by Calefrun on May 21, 2009 18:51:21 GMT -5
Post by Calefrun on May 21, 2009 18:51:57 GMT -5
coincidentaly, you're the only admin on this thread
Post by Calefrun on May 21, 2009 19:04:29 GMT -5
oh, lol now i feel like a dumbass for not seeing it earlier
Post by Razgat on May 21, 2009 19:16:32 GMT -5
Post by tuberjustin on May 21, 2009 20:11:30 GMT -5
im still a bitch
Post by TEAM_DERRICK on May 21, 2009 20:31:25 GMT -5
Post by Calefrun on May 21, 2009 20:40:02 GMT -5
deleted mine, can't do anything about adam's
Post by Calefrun on May 21, 2009 20:43:10 GMT -5
i think only admins can do that
Post by TEAM_DERRICK on May 21, 2009 20:43:50 GMT -5
delete adam's what?
Post by Calefrun on May 21, 2009 20:44:23 GMT -5
the posts that say how to find out who is trolling Lucco
Post by tuberjustin on May 21, 2009 20:45:01 GMT -5
u just have to look at the ranking. And the member list. this
Post by TEAM_DERRICK on May 21, 2009 20:47:50 GMT -5
Post by tuberjustin on May 21, 2009 20:49:23 GMT -5
Some churches welcome gay members, but these still seem to be the minority, and the negative view prevails that having a homosexual relationship is a sin, and the crime for that is a ticket to the underworld unless the individual stops living a "sinful life" and asks for forgiveness.
Well, I'm not a religious person myself and I tend to look at things from a logical point of view. The way I see it is this: if God exists, and therefore created all things, then he also created gay people. It wouldn't make any sense to cerate a gay person if God intended them to be miserable, alone and living each day feeling guilty and dirty about how he or she is feeling. Only a cruel and malicious god would do such a thing, and this isn't what the idea of God is about.
Being gay is part of you that you can't change, like your eye or hair color, or the type of personality you have. If God is responsible for making your hair brown or blond, for making your friend straight or your best friend a heavy metal fan, then he's responsible for making you gay. Sexuality isn't a choice, so it's either down to biology or God; neither case should leave you ever having to feel dirty or ashamed of who you are. We are all born with certain unchangeable qualities, and we have to make the best of them.
Some people have pets who try to mate with pets of the same sex; I have seen a gay cow bothering other male cows in a field! Animals don't burden themselves with crap about going to hell - they follow their pure instinct that is programmed into them or bestowed upon them in their design by God. Maybe we can learn something from their purity (though I don't recommend running after boys in a field!).
If you read anything negative about being gay in old books (or even editions of The Bible) remember that the book is written by men, translated by men, edited and altered by men over thousands of years. Men who were strictly religion, men who don't have the modern outlook we have now. Think what the bible would be like if it was re-written by God tomorrow; what do you think it would say? I imagine it would call for peace between all people, no matter what their sexual orientation and other background details.
Being a gay person isn't God's bad joke; it's just part of life. Enjoy who you are: love who you want, be happy, share with people. There's nothing evil about these things. There is far greater evil in the minds of religious people who scare others into repressed and lonely lives by telling them horror stories about hell. If there is a hell, you can be sure it is reserved for the real evil doers of this world - not for those who just happen to find love and happiness with members of their own sex.
Post by tuberjustin on May 21, 2009 20:51:38 GMT -5
I'm serious. What's so bad about being gay? (I'm homosexual myself, and I support gay rights.) I know that most religions condemn homosexuality as being unnatural and an "abomination," but how does that apply to gay rights and acceptance in society? We do NOT live in a theocracy! All American citizens are granted the right to pursue happiness, and there is no law (to my knowledge) that dictates whom a given individual may be romantically or sexually attracted to. The beliefs of any religion to do not apply to the laws of the United States of America. So I raise the question, "why are civil unions unavailable to adult members persons who happen to be of the same sex?"
To the people who claim that "marriage is between a man and a woman," I say, "okay." A marriage is really more a religious thing to most people. If you don't want homosexual couples married in your house of worship because homosexuality is against your religion, okay. But what about CIVIL UNION? A church marriage mean ZILCH in the USA. A church/synagogue/mosque can recognize your marriage, but that means jack squat to Uncle Sam unless you signed a marriage certificate in front of a notary and the marriage was officiated by a licensed individual. Then, your union is recognized by the government. Civil Union means that two individuals may be joined in a legal union in the eyes of the government. That's all any married couple has in the USA, anyway. The government cannot support or promote any religion according to the Constitution, so it cannot favor one type of marriage or union over another, despite prejudices surrounding homosexual couples.
I would also like to point out that on legal documents, the term CIVIL STATUS refers to whether or not you are married, divorced, or single. Civil as in "legal." Civil Unions are legal unions. Legislators, as well as most of the American people, are prejudiced against homosexuals for one reason or another, because they are denied the same legal unions as heterosexual couples. I guess we're not all created equal...
Post by TEAM_DERRICK on May 21, 2009 21:00:34 GMT -5
You're confusing gays with human beings