Post by Mizagium on May 18, 2013 16:34:51 GMT -5
Glaring at the two who left without assisting, Esfir mumbled some obscenities under her breath. "Eh, if they want to die instead of train, let them be."
She turned and grinned at Chad. "Well, Comrade Chad, I am glad you have sense! We shall train! But first, we must get these weapons to Comrade Magnus." She proceeded to pile as many weapons in his arms as she could. "This will help your strength, yes? Strength is good! By the way, what weapon you like? Gun? Bomb? Grenade? Laser? Cannon? I teach you how to use them."
Esfir grabbed some more weapons and made her way outside. "I myself prefer blunt objects. Hammer and wrench have never failed me."
Post by Mizagium on May 18, 2013 16:34:59 GMT -5
Chad thought for a moment and then smiled. He started to help Esfir get the weapons to Magnus.
"I think I would like a..... well lets see there are many weapons, so I will let chance decide for me!"
With that he smiled and summoned his magical dice. He rolled the dice in the air and it landed on a even number, he rolled again and the number 62 appeared. He looked down the list to see what weapon he got.
"62, so I will get a.... short sword! Well there you have it Esfir, I will have a short sword. Let's start training as soon as possible as we wont have long!"
Dante, Raphael and Scar all got a letter, Dante sighed and read the letter out loud and laughed. He shrugged as he jumped down from the building.
"Come on, this will be fun! Lets us go and have some fun shall we but Raphael this doesn't mean we are friends, no we are just together for now."
Raphael smiled and nodded as he jumped down. They made their way on the road away from town, on the soon to be battlefield. When they got there they waited for whoever to show up.
Post by Mizagium on May 18, 2013 16:48:59 GMT -5
Scar listened to Dante as he read the letter and laughed himself. He jumped down off the building with Dante and Raphael. He followed them where they were supposed to meet this so called Break.
Drayko watched as the others ignored him. Which made him a little angry. He smiled and ran out of the training room. He came outside and jumped to the floor making the earth protect him. Then he made a run to Heros' Refuge. He first came up to Dante, Raphael and Scar. He stopped and looked around. With a smile he surrounded the three with earth. "I cant fight you now, I will let you go soon. Goodbye." with that he ran to Heros' Refuge and looked around again. It seemed there were traps and things surrounding the entrance. He shrugged and raised the earth and looked at Magnus. Drayko jumped over the traps and took his time to take in his surroundings. There were a forest he could use and if he could somehow start a fire he could even use that. Metal was also here and that would be a great help. There was plenty of earth and he had water if he turned on all the taps in the houses. Air was also a weapon here which means he could make lighting and thunder, his weapons were unlimited here and he liked that. So he began turning all the taps on in all the houses, once he was done, he closed his eyes and began to make black clouds appear and suddenly it began to thunder. He aimed for the trees which made fire. He surrounded the area with earth so it would help the defenses.
"Hey everyone! Whatever you do, do not turn the taps off or put out the fire as if you do you will weaken me! My only weapon is the elements and so I need whatever I can get, this includes fire and water!"
He smiled as he waited to to start a war, he would personally kill the King and then he would destroy the evil in this world one by one. The earth was finally gone from around Scar, Dante and Raphael, now this interested Scar and he knew if he found it interesting Dante certainly would and he also knew Raphael was like Dante so he also be very interested. He smiled and looked at the two.
"I think we should talk to that guy who can control the elements, as I really want his power and the war will be interesting with him."
he smiled again and looked at Drayko as he planed to absorb his power at some point but he knew it wouldn't be easy at all as he could very well protect himself with whatever he had.
Post by Mizagium on May 18, 2013 16:49:18 GMT -5
Samson Mortlock wandered carelessly past the makeshift defenses at the entrance to Heroes' Refuge, ignoring all the would-be defenders as he made his way into town. The men standing by the unimpressive barricades were nothing more than frail, drunken townspeople. If the enemy had as much as one trained warrior, they would be dead within the first minutes of the battle. Further into town was a small group of strangers, who stood out against the rabble.
''Really Endtree, this is none of my concern.'' he muttered. ''You will fight, woodsman.'' the voice commanded over light breeze.
With a sigh, Samson figured it was his duty to help, strode over to the group, grabbing the hand of the 'obvious' leader with the and giving a strong handshake. For all he knew, the leader always was tough, and tough men wore an eyepatch, right? But this man looked small, lean, and not exactly fighter material. The force of Samson's handshake would have lifted the man clear off the ground.
''Hello my good man!'' the lumberjack boomed. ''I have come to hold the line against, .... uhhh..... whatever it happens to be you are holding the line against!''
Samson swung his axe onto a resting position on his broad shoulder.
''Now point me to the problem and let's get this resolved shall we?''
Post by Mizagium on May 18, 2013 16:49:25 GMT -5
Phase and Break moved out of town to meet with the challenged.
"I'm glad you could make it," said Break. "I'm certain you are all really strong and so will have no problem with lasting 3 Minutes with Berserker, without getting chopped in half or running away. Good Luck!" she made her way back to town.
Phase slammed his 2-ton sword into the ground, and simply asked, "Which one of you wants to go first?"
Post by Mizagium on May 18, 2013 16:49:32 GMT -5
Dante yawned and stepped back as Phase asked who was going first. Now he was well out of the way.
"None of us will fight, instead. My Mannequins will fight you!" the Mannequins surrounded Phase and Dante smiled. The mannequins quickly attacked and while they did Dante threw some souls in the trees to control them, the tree branches swayed and attacked Phase as they tried to knock him over. Everyone watched as the mannequins attacked. Raphael looked at Dante and smiled,
"Tag me in Dante! Let me have some fun!" Dante nodded and tagged Raphael. Quickly Raphael transformed into a Hydra and started attacking Phase.
Post by Mizagium on May 18, 2013 16:49:41 GMT -5
Jeff had just about had it with Dante and his ilk. With a decidedly unskillful sweep of his sword, he sent a mannequin tumbling down the road. "That's enough! Pretty soon, an army of robots or something is going to be marching on this little...well, calling it a town is generous. But still. We've got our hands full as it is. What we don't need is you jerks going around and causing trouble at the same time."
He looked over at Phase, before the Hydra-Raphael descended upon him . "Sorry if you wanted this to be your fight or something, but we really don't have time for this kind of thing. And I've had it with them." He cast a pleading look Magnus' way. Help me.
He hesitated...not really wanting to attack a hydra...but he charged away, swinging the sword with obvious non-skill.
Post by Mizagium on May 18, 2013 16:49:49 GMT -5
"Okay, you're just a mage guy who uses mooks. That's cool," said Phase.
Phase let the Mannequins completely surround him and form a circle, before making 360 degree spin and chopping them all in half. He mentally evaluated how cool it was, deciding it was probably pretty cool, before getting whacked in the gut by a tree branch, knocking the air out of him and making him step back. Instinctively, he struck the offending tree, snapping it's trunk, and doing the same to the others that moved.
"And you can make other stuff come alive. Huh." Phase didn't think too much of that, since even though he'd never since something like it, he'd seen much weirder stuff before.
Then when the Hydra came up, he just parried the blow and smacked it back, when some kid started talking to him.
"Hey kid, I sorta really need this. And if these guys are giving you problems, it'd be better if they got solved now. Hell, Even if the king Marches in now, you probably want these guys out here rather than back in town." Phase replied, slamming his sword right in front of the kid to keep him from getting any closer to the beast.
"Go home, you're only going to mess up and get hurt." Phase looked ahead, waiting to see what his opponents would throw at him next.
Post by Mizagium on May 18, 2013 16:50:00 GMT -5
Dante sighed as he shook his head.
"Is that ALL you got! Seriously this is going to get boring!"
The mannequins quickly rebuilt. Dante sighed as he dropped his large bag again and released even more mannequins. Now there were archers everywhere. There were many fighters. They ranged from...
Ninja-16 Samurai-15 Archers-20
He was lucky they were all light metal. Although that was the max he could control. He smiled as they all began to attack at once. Raphael turned into a Dragon instead and flew high above sending balls of fire down along with a long range of fire. He turned into animal after animal to attack Phase.
Post by Mizagium on May 18, 2013 16:50:20 GMT -5
Phase smiled. Fighting crowds and dragons were his specialties. He replied to his opponents Taunt with a simple "No."
He'd take down Dante first, then figure out how to bring down the Dragon. Seeing the huge crowd of Dolls in front of him, he charged, taking down every one that got between him and his target while dodging the fireballs falling from the sky the best he could. By the the time he reached, Dante he was covered in arrows, slices, bruises and burns. Adrenaline was starting to kick in, though, and he barely noticed his wounds, not even slowing him down. He knew he was tough enough to walk it off later.
Not wasting momentum, he slammed into Dante shoulder first. "You're right, This is Boring.
Post by Mizagium on May 18, 2013 16:50:28 GMT -5
At first, Jeff had been slightly angry that Phase had turned away his help. But...after seeing him charge through the fury and slam into the madman, he reconsidered his position and stood off. Phase was right, of course. Better to deal with Dante's group now than risk them screwing up the defense of Heroes' Refuge.
But still...
"I wish I could do something."
Post by Mizagium on May 18, 2013 16:50:41 GMT -5
From his position perched at the top of the...whatever building it was, Magnus had a pretty good view of the surrounding area. At first he'd just jumped up here so that he wouldn't have to answer any more questions or deal with his 'allies' quirks, but it turned out to be a pretty good spot for strategical planning.
At least something was going his way.
Which led to now. Magnus felt his eye twitch as he watched the fight ensuing between two of his much needed defenders and the pair of annoying-types he'd thought had finally gotten out of the way.
Magnus considered himself to be a calm, level-headed individual. Having lived twice as long as normal life-spans due to his magical capabilities, he'd developed a pretty decent sense of patience, building it up and using it infinitely in this most recent situation. When the Mechanist King began his take-over of Centros, Magnus hadn't complained when his "comrades" in Northyros had inserted him here, years before now. He'd waited, and his patience was quite impressive.
The last vestige of that patience was just about gone.
Without a word, Magnus leaped from his spot, down towards the ensuing fight. In mid-air, the mage gathered mana inside of him and mentally chanted a single line, and snapped his fingers.
A ring of blue flames ignited around the Hydra-form Raphael. Landing, Magnus whipped around sent a blast of telekinetic energy at Dante, effectively separating him from Phase.
"That..."he said, strangely calm, "is quite enough." With the final word, he let magic pulse through him, which made his one visible eye glow in blue ethereal energy. Honestly it didn't do much, but it was good for a dramatic flair. "I'm done. There is an army headed this way with every intention of killing us all, and you decide it's a bright idea to go ahead do their job for them?" he asked incredulously. "You," he looked at Phase. "Save it for the King's men. You...." he glared at Dante. "What part of 'don't get in the way' did you not grasp? I don't give two shits about what you think of yourself. Cause any more problems for me, I'll end you." It wasn't a threat, but more of a simple fact. Magnus didn't enjoy using some of the more...questionable skills in his arsenal, but at this point it was becoming more and more inviting to do so.
Magnus paused, collecting himself with a long deep breath. Then he noticed Jeff standing nearby. "Come on, Jeff. I think I can add some runes or something to that sword-thing of yours. Maybe make it a bit more deadly against clankers."
Post by Mizagium on May 18, 2013 16:50:56 GMT -5
After getting some of the useable weapons out of her shop, Esfir stood outside. A woodman had showed up, a fight had broken out between the slackers and some other people, Comrade Jeff tried to stop it and failed miserably, and Comrade Magnus had put on an interesting display with his magic, effectively stopping the fight.
This is chaos... She sighed. I really need to get out of this village...
She patted Chad on the back and pointed at the woodsman. "You see, Comrade Chad, that is a strong man. You should aspire to be like him. I have lovely short swords inside. Choose what you like, and I teach you, yes?" Esfir guided Chad back into her shop, showing him she had.
"Take time. When you find what you like, talk to me. I will be outside talking with the others."
Heading out, she went towards Magnus. "Comrade Magnus, you have strategy? Anything you need me to do?"
Post by Mizagium on May 18, 2013 16:51:03 GMT -5
"Thanks." Jeff gave the scene a look and walked away. "You know, this probably isn't going to go as well as we hope it will, Magnus."
Awaiting a reply, he studied the strange weapon that had presented itself upon his arrival in Centros. What in the hell was it? Magic? Or something else equally unlikely. It handled that mannequin pretty well, not thanks to the wielder.
He sighed. He was going to get himself killed.
Post by Mizagium on May 18, 2013 16:51:10 GMT -5
Daryl had decided not to pick up any weapons, he was a magic user after all. "I'll stick with my magic, don't want to dirty my hands with anything after all!" he said, going outside.
He pulled a small pouch of his suit, opening revealed several scales, a necessary component for his magic. His claw glowed for a short moment before he threw two of the scales into the air. The first shortly became a stone raptor, the other became a raptor made of honey. Good enough, he could always summon some more if he needed to.
Post by Mizagium on May 18, 2013 16:51:23 GMT -5
"It is time."
The Mechanist King turned to Rurik. "Gather the troops. Call them to order outside the Tower. Have them ready....when I return."
"Aye, my king." Rurik bowed and disappeared through the door.
"Chase, my robotic friend, come, we will get the individuals." He traversed the short distance to the training grounds with all the dignity of a true king. He did not run, lest he sweat and ruin the regal image, nor did he leisurely stroll, as a king has places to be, and not enough time in the day to accomplish everything. He moved with purpose and grace.
"Mitch Fury. Perish. Drayko. The time is at hand. We march on Heroes' Refuge within the hour. Clean yourselves up and follow me; I must address the troops." His cape flourished with his about-face, beckoning them forward.
Post by Mizagium on May 18, 2013 16:51:37 GMT -5
Phase took a minute to collect himself. His mind was clouded by RAGE, but he wasn't far gone enough to lose his mind yet. Still, he needed more. The little rush he got from fighting Dante was starting to wear off, and due to wizardly intervention, it was unlikely he'd be getting more anytime soon. It was good enough for now.
He formulated an eloquent response to the figure who had broken up the fighting, but when he spoke, all that came out was "Fuck you." Quickly, he amended his mistake by adding "Sorry, dude, but You should go easy on those guys though, since the fight was me and Breaks idea, 'cause we brought them over here, and they were only supposed to get in my way, which admittedly usually ends in bads things for everyone but me and Break, and we really didn't think this through" He took a deep breath. "Sorry if I rambled a little there."
He took a moment to examine himself. Other than a few flesh wounds, he was in relatively good shape, but the prospect of facing the Mechanist king in this condition was not so good, especially if the rush had worn off by then. It'd be like taking a test with a massive headache. Possible, but unpleasant.
Noticing the Jeff's sword and how badly he handled it, he made an offer. "Kid, you don't seem to know how to use that thing. Keep yourself alive, and I'll give you a few pointers after the battle."
Post by Mizagium on May 18, 2013 16:51:44 GMT -5
Perish was in the middle of attempting to play darts with ice shards and her paper target when she heard the vaguely familiar voice of this King fellow. As much as she questioned her usefulness amongst an army -even with the enthusiastic little blue robot giving out various tactics- as she just felt like she'd be another stone in a tidal wave of stones falling upon the Refuge, at least she finally got to do something. Maybe she could try one of her more wild rituals and observe the results of a plague of skeletal hands or something to keep things interesting.
"Oh the show is finally on the road then?" Perish said rhetorically as she airily followed after the King, putting her helmet back on and clipping her sword onto her back again.
Post by Mizagium on May 18, 2013 16:51:52 GMT -5
Fury cheered, pumping his massive weapon over his head. "Fuh-nally, some gratuitous violence!" He stripped off his shredded and bloodstained shirt, ignoring the numerous wounds in his arms. Now shirtless, he flexed unnecessarily a few times before deciding he needed a little something extra. He pulled out a small bottle of oil and began rubbing it all over his exposed skin. He always got shirtless and oiled up before a major fight. It only seemed appropriate.
He completed the ensemble by using dark greasepaint to apply dark stripes all over himself for nothing but purely cosmetic reasons. He finished by dabbing some into the pits of his eyes and putting a stripe around his head at eye level. He looked towards Perish, encased in armor. "Turtle and Raccoon are friends!" he noted.
Post by Mizagium on May 18, 2013 16:52:09 GMT -5
From atop the Chromium Tower, the Mechanist King looked out over the assembled troops, standing rigidly in formation. Even though this was a much larger force than he had started with, it still only constituted roughly a fifth of his total force; the other four-fifths were divided roughly evenly between the other generals. Technically, it wasn't his army, but Rurik's. The troops answered to the generals and the generals answered to him.
At least, that's how he explained the command structure to Salma and the others. Rurik knew better, but played his part perfectly. As they were animated by his Breath, the soldiers could not be turned against him and obeyed his every command. That's what he'd always believed, but a sideways glance at Chase forced him to reconsider. Could the soldiers develop personalities...thoughts? It would be something to look into once the Conquest was complete.
"My loyal soldiers, the time has come!" He spread his arms and addressed the troops. "All of Centros is within our control - all except the tiny village of Heroes' Refuge. No area can be allowed to remain independent, for that will undermine my authority. All must be one, for if we are divided, we are defeated. This is it! This will be our last battle - after this...after this we will be on the golden path to utopia."
And they cheered, right on cue, a chorus of perfectly timed shouts and stomps.
He mounted the hover bike which Rurik had brought to the top. Using state of the art hover technology, the bike allowed him to observe everything from a lofty viewpoint.
And the Metal Army of the Mechanist King began the march toward Heroes' Refuge.