Post by Mizagium on Mar 20, 2011 14:22:48 GMT -5
probably a name, but I'm probably going with Siren Song
Post by Myrdraxxis on Mar 20, 2011 14:24:39 GMT -5
Uh, Adam's going to get the K'orm shit up eventually (SOON DAMMIT) and then I'll work on the Warrior Race people, but other than that, nothing. I think. where do I put it?
Post by TEAM_DERRICK on Mar 20, 2011 14:30:48 GMT -5
Post by Mizagium on Mar 20, 2011 14:31:23 GMT -5
Post by Myrdraxxis on Mar 20, 2011 15:28:21 GMT -5
The K'orm Technocracy
The K'orm race began as a desert faring, nomadic race. Humanoid and similar in appearance to humans save their pointed teeth and hair, as well as their natural body tattoo-like markings. These marking are a type of organ that projects a k’orm’s thought patterns and will into matter and become able to be “one” with that matter. In later centuries this ability became the K’orm’s legendary ability of “technomancy”. It is speculated that K’orm and humans, being similar in appearance and genetic makeup, may have descended from the same genepool, though this is widely rebuked and most K’orm refuse to acknowledge such.
The K’orm Technocracy is composed of roughly 60 worlds. There are ten “core worlds” that make up the central seat of power in K'orm space. The Technocracy is run through the electing of Senators in an overall council. This council is run by a more clandestine Inner Council, much like a Presidential leadership, presides over the Council and conducts matters of military and foreign affairs. Inner Council member is required to not only have served military service, but be elected through majority vote of their constituents as well as the majority of the council.
The K’orm are a proud, ambitious race who believe that their superior advances in technology will lead them to greater existence. While as a whole the K’orm are a unified and strong race, there exists a rift within the ideology of the K’orm. Many believe that the K’orm are the true rulers of the galaxy. The radicals (as an extreme example) are fiercely nationalistic and xenophobic, viewing the other races as “lesser beings”. They embrace the idea of the Singularity of the K’orm race, willing to all but merge their existence with h=their technology. On the opposite side is the more conservative faction, which tries to maintain the K’orm’s already great civilization through reason and relations with the other races. They prefer to err on the side of caution when it comes to further investment into their embracement of new technology. As such, while no open conflict has ever appeared between the two “sides”, there are often needs to suppress terror cells or nationalist groups. In recent times, the appearance of K’orm corsairs on the edge of K’orm space and beyond has become a rising problem.
The K’orm military structure can be divided into roughly 6 separate branches. The K’orm Army is the basic infantry and foot soldiers of the K’orm military. Tasked with the primary ground fighting and combat deployment of any military operation. The K’orm Navy is an armada of thousands of battleships that patrol the borders of K’orm space. K’orm spaceships are often assigned to house cadres of Technomancers as well. The K’orm Sentinals are the special forces and heavy combat specialists of the K’orm military. Sentinals are specially trained pilots who commands high-tech battlesuits into battle. A The K’orm Technomancers are a legion of K’orm who have tuned their mind into the inner working of the K’orm technology. They are capable of syncing their minds to technology and commanding it. Chapters of Technomancers are housed on board K’orm ships, and use their abilities to disrupt enemy ships. Most technomancers are rather radical in their political views, seeing the Singularity of K’orm as a chance to advance their own abilities. The K’orm Shadow Cult is the most secretive and feared branch of the military. It is a highly selective and specialized cadre of assassins and special forces soldiers who devote their entire lives to the elimination of enemy targets. The K’orm Castellans are the most honored and mysterious branch. They are the Honor Guard and personal soldiers of the Inner Council. They wield deadly Pulse Glaives and the command of all other branches if the need arises.
Core Worlds: -Kor’kallin -Kor’danis -Kor’vran (The home world and seat of government) -Kor’in -Durhein (colony with human populous) -Havalon -Urqral (satellite nation with lizard-man populous) -Ithras -Korvaan -Theta
Post by TEAM_DERRICK on Mar 20, 2011 15:40:01 GMT -5
The Federation can already feel the impending genocide.
Post by Mizagium on Mar 20, 2011 16:48:26 GMT -5
Any one of the human factions out numbers the K'orm in terms of territory and population, although I suppose their technomancy gives them some kind of superior technology or something.
Good to know that we actually have named worlds besides Earth, Venus, Mars, Luna, Ceres, etc.
I really don't have a specific number of worlds for each faction, but I guess the rough estimate is humans collectively control approximately 1000 worlds at a 65:35 ratio between Old and Separatist.
Things to come: Warrior Race, Frontier League, technology level of humans.
Post by TEAM_DERRICK on Mar 20, 2011 16:51:28 GMT -5
Post by Mizagium on Mar 20, 2011 17:12:31 GMT -5
The Frontier League is nearly as old as the Republic, Federation, and Empire, but was never as powerful. The Frontier League grew out of of two early factions: the Asteroid Confederacy, and the Jovian Combine.
The time known now as the Second Age of Revolution involved Venus and the Asteroids gaining their freedom from the colony and mining magacorps that owned them. The individual Asteroids were loathe to commit to a new central government, but did so out of necessity, forming the Confederacy, based on Ceres, but otherwise being largely independent and verging on anarchistic. They were often compared to the wild west, a fact that they took to heart, which survives to this day.
The Jovian Combine consisted of the moons of the Gas Giants, Jupiter and Saturn in the latter years. Callisto, Ganymede, Io, Europa, and others were set up as bases during the early cloudmining days. they also became independent riding the coattails of the Venusian Sky Cities and the Asteroid habitats. The Combine accomplished little in their short existence, growing barely beyond a series of no-longer-company colonies.
When FTL travel became viable and the technology shared as part of the Solar Treaty, Earth, Venus, and Mars seemed to be able to squeeze both minor groups out of existence, so they joined together in order to come up with the necessary funds to acquire FTL drives. This new government inherited more from the Confederacy than the Combine, and became the Frontier League. While the Big Three focused on planets, the League built space stations and hollowed out asteroids for habitation, striking a deal with major mining companies. Frontier worlds essentially did not exist, in the space stations around them, or in the Asteroids.
The Frontier did establish the Outposts, which were large space stations established at key jump distances, usually at the edge of inhabited space which were used as refueling stations and served as the boundary of civilization, though some would debate their status as civilized.
During the Great Interstellar War, the Frontier League initially hired out their pilots (Frontiersmen) to Venus, but later agreed to hire them out to Earth as well, seeing an opportunity to make money. Eventually, the League enjoyed its first political war as the people became divided on which side to take, Earth, or Venus. They stopped loaning out their pilots to focus on the division, which devolved into a bloody civil war, Pro-Earth vs Pro-Venus. The Venusian supporters won out in the end, but it was a Pyrrhic victory, and the League did not rejoin the war.
Those that remained were still divided and true anarchy reigned for a time before seven "clans" headed by military leaders emerged as the ruling bodies. Ceres now serves as the meeting house of the seven Clan Heads. 90% of the League falls into one of these seven clans, while the other 10% belong to a minor clan (which are numerous, but have no power).
There is now a debate of whether the Frontier League even exists as a true nation anymore, or whether the seven clans are separate political entities.
Post by TEAM_DERRICK on Mar 20, 2011 17:19:42 GMT -5
Post by Myrdraxxis on Mar 20, 2011 17:21:36 GMT -5
I modified the K'orm. They own 60 worlds and the ones listed are the Core Worlds. Basically the ones that matter.
Post by TEAM_DERRICK on Mar 20, 2011 17:29:15 GMT -5
Post by Mizagium on Mar 20, 2011 17:34:21 GMT -5
TEAM_DERRICK: lol maybe @adam: cool I was thinking about the technology level. I'm thinking something like the Halo Universe, but with more beam weapons (read: lasers). Soldier weapons are Gauss guns (basically handheld railguns: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gauss_gun ) and vehicles are scaled up/down railguns (think Scorpion tanks) aircraft...yeah. Large spacecraft do not usually enter the atmosphere of worlds, instead ferrying troops up and down using spaceplanes. Spaceships dock at orbital platforms. FTL travel works as a continuous wormhole being generated with the exit terminus being continuously pushed back as the ship is pulled through the "hyperspace". That means a regular wormhole would probably not reach a light year or so, but as the ship moves, it moves the exit along with it, until it is ready to drop into real space. But that's for civilian/passenger ships. Military ships use a jump drive, as opposed to a warp drive. The Jump drive is exactly what it sounds like - a ship it jumped several light years distant. After a jump, the generators have to recharge. Halo confuses me, I'm not sure if the ships use a jump drive, or a warp drive, because the Pillar of Autumn JUMPS away from Reach, but later, one of the Covenant Fleets is said to be traveling through slipspace, as opposed to jumping. So I'm forced to assume that they are two different engines using two different methods. Or Slipspace just works like that. This time, the FTL drive has two settings (yeah, ignoring some of what I just typed) Jump and Warp. Jump uses all of the stored energy (or most of it) and shoot a ship several light years ahead, while Warping is more like a regular ship cruise, just at faster than light speeds. At Warp setting, the engines recharge to a certain extent, but after a Jump or two, the engines have to be completely refueled. Jumps are usually only used in emergencies or to a station that can provide fuel. the aforementioned Frontier League Outposts are usually no more than a jump away from anywhere.
Post by Mizagium on Mar 21, 2011 17:50:46 GMT -5
and just so your convinced I haven't dropped this already, I'm going to word vomit all over the text box stuff about the Warrior race that i am (for the most part) going to make up on the spot.
They are a bipedal avian race that no longer possess the ability to fly, though they still have beaks and talons. Their feathers are short and packed together so as to prevent heat loss in cold, but with enough space to relax and vent heat in warmth. Their vision is many times greater than humans and K'orm, although certain genetic and bionic enhancements in the Union are catching up. Their language is a series of shrieks and clicks that are difficult to reproduce with the human mouth, just as they cannot speak most of our languages. In place of that, translators learn to understand the other language for both species, so that when two leaders meet, the leader speaks to a translator, who speaks to another translator, who speaks to the other leader.
The...Tell..Mageru...Mageru'te...Yes. Mageru. Individuals are Mageru. the clan suffix is added after an apostrophe to indicate which they belong to. It has been stated that the Mageru clans once had multiple languages, but later consolidated them. There are still some rumors of a secret language they speak when humans are not around.
The most immediately notable thing about the Mageru is that, even as a spacefaring race, they maintain extensive use of bladed, close range weapons. Their ranged weapons are small coilguns, but these are used mainly by assassins. Rather, they were, until encountering the Humans. Mageru and K'orm were already well acquainted before contact with the Union, but as the K'orm could manipulate their guns, they fell out of favor. With the appearance of Man, most Mageru now carry a coilgun.
Mageru bladed weapons are a marvel of engineering. Nothing is sharper, more durable, or as lightweight. They staunchly refuse to divulge their secret, as their blades hold something of a religious context to them.
Comparisons are often drawn between the Mageru and the Samurai. While their system of honor has many parallels, the Mageru are not a feudal society, among other details in their society that are overlooked or frankly ignored by most people. It doens't help that Mageru swords resemble katanas.
War, in the sense of humans, is rare among the Mageru. Clans are not bitter rivals as the nations of Men often are, rather they are large family groups, stretching across many generations and distant lineages. Legends trace each clans ancestry back to a founding figure and his/her mate, which means that everyone in a clan are related, however distantly. Only three times in recorded Mageru history has a clan been eradicated, and two of these took place in the pre-industrial era. The last clan extinction happened at the dawn of spaceflight
War is a hideous thing to the Mageru, and they take it with no pleasure - but battle is another thing. Small clan battles and personal duels are common ways of settling disputes. Only serious insults end with death. That is not to say they would be defeated by the K'orm or Humans. In truth, the Mageru technology level exceeds even the Union in terms of strength and efficiency. Most of it was developed during the meeting between them and the K'orm, and then perfected during the disputes with the early Separatists who landed on their planets. While not all groups were defeated by the humans, they at least proved able to withstand Mageru force, and earned the right to coexist with them.
more later
Post by TEAM_DERRICK on Mar 21, 2011 18:48:27 GMT -5
Post by Mizagium on Mar 21, 2011 19:16:14 GMT -5
Also, it occured to me as I was taking my health test that 'Mageru' is impossible to pronounce without lips. So, instead, the name is now Ske'ar (and then the clan name is tacked on with a dash)
Humans have taken to calling to pronouncing them as Scare.
Post by TEAM_DERRICK on Mar 22, 2011 15:45:12 GMT -5
Post by Mizagium on Mar 22, 2011 15:59:07 GMT -5
Who, the Ske'ar?
And they keep a lot of things secret from humans, including how many planets they own, their martial arts (which are mostly impossible for humans, considering their legs bend backwards compared to ours), and how they make their swords. Still, a good ally to have on your side, but a bad enemy.
Post by TEAM_DERRICK on Mar 22, 2011 16:06:09 GMT -5
Can't wait for some Zerg rushing then.
Post by Mizagium on Mar 22, 2011 16:09:34 GMT -5
"We got Scares!"